This page shows updates from previous years...
Finally I managed with part of this site that I intended to finish a long time ago. Last week I got married [guess what kind of music was playing during the party :)] so I wanted to offer you something that you might like - collection of mp3 samples. And I hope that this time everything will work. Server that I use now seems to be reliable. So enjoy it, but don't listen to all of it this month because bandwidth might be spent quickly. I guess that it will not happened because there is lots of bandwidth, but just in case... Enjoy it!
Hello again after some time. Everything is OK now regarding this site. I have samples on free server again, but I hope without bandwith limaitation in as it was before. So check it up, I added bands that start with letter C. So while trying to listen to some sample, you'll get small window asking you wich application to use to listen those files. Use any of mp3 player... And check option "always use to open this kind of file" to avoid that window every time you listen to some sample. I changed extension .mp3 into .italo due to server restrictions...
Added lyrics of two songs by Radiorama - Aliens and Chance To Desire, thanks to Giannis!
This month I should transfer site to new server. I still haven't bought space on it so site might be unreachable for some time. If domain doesn't work, you can always check up what is going on with this site at so it's a good idea to bookmark it. I hope that I'll manage to transfer it without problems. I'll buy plenty of space and bandwith so if you want to listen all of my Italo samples - you'll be able to.
New pictures by Lee Marrow added, also few more by Cliff Turner and Danuta...
Two great interviews added - Aleph and Brian Ice. Naturally, by our great journalist Zeljko. More is to come soon... :) One new unknown Italo song added and already identified. Also I updated some other stuff two month ago... I receive plenty of spam so I decided that I'll change my mail from time to time, if you wanna contact me, you'll find current one at homepage.
MP3 samples are available at the beggining of each month due to the lack of bandwith. I hope that I'll buy some more web space in June and upload all of samples. If you will not be able o reach this site on July or September, it's due to transfering my site to another server. If domain will not be reachable, you can always (I hope :)) see why at
One new unknown Italo song added to be identified. So check it out. List of videos on VideoClips page updated. All together now - 502 items. Also added new lyrics thanks to a few guys. I added their names next to titles :)
Great news - Zeljko started his own site devoted to interviews.
Check it up at
MP3 samples uploaded - letter B!
One more great news - Zeljko will publish his site very soon. I'll publish the link very soon....
MP3 page is finished with letter A. Letter B coming soon...
Zeljko made e-Book with all of his interviews, so enjoy it!
Hello after some time. I had to pay some money again for using web space so I thought that site could finance itself. I placed a banner so please click it here and there. This is better solution than to use some free server because in that case ads would be all over and I hate it. I think that this is the best solution and I hope that it will not annoy you... :) Thanx!
Also I started something that will be the biggest Italo samples collection, check page MP3 :)
Two more GSM polyphone melodies added: Erasure - Gimme Gimme and O-zone - Dragostea Din Tei.
Hey guys, all of you that use polyphone melodies, wallpapers, games on your GSM - I have new material for you! Check up link GSM Fun-stuff. I hope that you'll like it :)
Finally I found out about unknown version of Disco Band that I am looking for. Actually it's Massimo Noc Remix released as B side, published by Blanco Y Negro Music.
Tom Hooker's interview updated by his drummer Gabriele Baldazzi, check it up!
New interview is online! Did you have any doubts that guy who did it was Zeljko. This time he was talking to Gazebo! Enjoy it...
Explore Man Parrish. There are several things by him: an interview, pictures and lyrics.
NEW and HOT! From now on you'll have a chance to read e-books about our favorite singers. I didn't see it so far so I had to do it. You can read e-books on screen or print it on the paper and have a real book. As you whish! I will not update this page very frequently because it takes time to scan real book, add pics and edit it to be printable.
Bad news guys, it happened for the second time. I can't upload multimedia files anymore from the place where I usually do (my office) due to copyrights... If I find some new way, I'll continue with it again...
MP3s are updated today, videos too...
MP3s are updated today, video tomorrow...
Finally I updated FanClub page. Check it out, about fifty fans joined us so if you want, you can find people to correspond with or trade music!!! Guestbook updated :) Thank you all for you comments!!! 15 more mp3s and new video...
New mp3 requests and new video.
15 of your mp3 requests available to download and new video.
Another feature added: if you have some song that I want and wanna trade it or simply upload, go to page MP3 Trade and use form to upload. No more ftp upload...
Another 15 mp3s and new videos to download... Also check pictures, there is interesting pic by Danuta :)
Another 15 mp3s and new videos to download... Also guestbook updated. Didn't have time to update FanClub for a longer period, I'll try to find some time to do it.
Happy NEW YEAR! Thirty more mp3s and two new videos...
Special Christmas gift again - even 30 new mp3s plus new interview by our best Italo journalist - Zeljko. This time it's with Croatian producer Denis Curman.
Special Christmas gift!!! Check out videos page... Really rare Boot Mixes, he he... More mp3s to come!
This week 7 new mp3 songs. The other server was not reliable, so I'm looking for new one again... Also new video uploaded.
2 nova Cro-fana: Emil i Tomislav. Sorry for waiting to be added to Fan Club guys, didn't have time so far, I'll do it ASAP!
New mp3s and the most fameous Scotch video :)
New - watch video clips (DivX, mpg, avi) and movies from your computer on TV screen. If you have nVidia graphic adapter - check up how. New link is Videos to TV. Settings for ATI are much simpler so I will not describe them...
New video is waiting for you, 10 mp3s also...
Guestbook updated after some longer period, sorry for waiting... Novi Italo Cro Fan iz Šibenika - Zoran.Also new mp3s and videos... Interesting new guestbook entry by Marcin.
Another 10 new mp3s and 2 videos for this week...
New mp3s and videos for this week...
New eight mp3s added for downloading, also two new videos - Boney M. - Young, Free & Single and Mike Mareen - Love Spy (live)... Love Spy is in different format than it was here before, now it's in mpg.
Pridruio nam se još jedan Italo fan iz Hrvatske - Vlado
MP3s are back to be downloaded, make your request! Download another new video...
New video available for downloading: Fancy - Lady Of Ice.
Video available for downloading: Sister Sister - Blue Night In Alcatraz. Not the same file as was here, this one has better quality...
Great news: from now on download videos again, but this time - one video per week. I don't have much server space, so here will be only one video clip per week. I'll start again with videos that have already been here because lots of people asked me to put them here again. After those videos - we will continue with new ones :-) You can also use mIRC to download videos (and mp3s).
Još dva nova Italo fana u CroFans klubu. Ima nas sve više :-)
You've been waiting for a longer time, but here we go again: as first There are three programs that I described how to use to get mp3s an videos :) mIRC, SoulSek and eMule. You gotta try mIRC!!! Also I made a page for Italo Disco Fan Club from Croatia. Let's finally meet each other, lots of us live in the same city and we don't know each other... And finally there are new members of our Fan Club, again - world wide population: Turkey: Murat Han Sahin; Poland: Gora Kalwaria; Sweden: Stefan Olsson, Peter Andersson; Argentina: Jorge Eduardo Torres; Brazil: Daniel de Oliveira; Hungary: András Lukács; Mexico: Mauricio Flores; Poland: Jan Dymek; USA: Michael Sanchez; S. Korea: Q Lee. And at the end - GSM Ringtones. My Nokia is playing Desire by Roni Griffith. So one more reason to be happy when somebody is calling you... And at the end: I bought plenty of webspace so I don't expect troubles anymore :)
Domain is not working due to my ISP's problem. If it happens again, use my mirror URL: This one has popup, but is useful if main one doesn't work...
I'll put your last requests online soon and after that we start with eMule + 2 more programs. I tested it, from my comp download goes around 96 kb/s. That should be enough... Preparing sceenshot manual for eMule and other 2 appz :-)
Your 10 mp3 requests added...
Testing new way of downloading mp3s... Go to MP3 page, find out about it and try out. There will be much, much more than 10 mp3s if it starts. It's all up to you so check it up! Let's spread rare songs...
Your requests are available to download...
Changed mp3 trade rule - send me at least one song from my searchlist and you'll get unlimited ftp access to my server - many mp3s and videos there :-)
This week's mp3s finally added... Been away so didn't have possibility to upload your requests earlier...
Guestbook updated, comments by Brian, DJ Eye, Darro, Morten. New sites on CoolLinks page: Yeseule, ITALOWORLD and QLee Station, new members in FanClub - Andreas (Greece) and DJ Yoca (Yugoslavia).
My full catalog is available for downloading now. Find it on MP3 Trade page. You'll need to download WhereIsIt program to open it. It's really great, try it... There is also lite version that is freeware.
Your 10 mp3s online... You have this whole week to download those 30 additional songs, I'll remove them next week...
Updated GuestBook. New fans added: Hans and Maria from Sweden, Csiszar and Zoltán from Hungary, Christos, Nicos and Akis from Greece...
Today we celebrate love so as my tribute I uploaded 30 mp3 devoted to that subject for you to download. Have a nice time...
Another 10 mp3s.
New 10 mp3s by your choice.
Video clip Living On Video available to download. Also added new links to Bobby "O"'s and C.C.Catch's site...
Linda Jo Rizzo & The Flirts many pictures added. New 10 mp3s online...
Added links to Bobby O's sites plus link to gorgeous Linda Jo Rizzo.
Pictures updated with 3 new pics by Aleph, mayor update - 18 more pics by Bobby Orlando, colours redesigned too. 10 mp3s added as usuall...
New cover girl... Not blond but... still nice ;-)
New 10 MP3s are waiting for you to download :-) One new fan - Willem from South Africa, one more guestbook entry. More videos added to list in MP3 Trade > Italo Disco I Have (80's)
Updated GuestBook and Fan Club. New guys who had joined us are Damir from Croatia, Peeter from Estonia, Ralf from Germany and Pandelis from Greece.
Scheul identified some songs for us. Check it up...
Read new Zeljko's interview with Accatino & Rimonti. If you have no idea who are they, take a look!
Since I receive song requests all the time, I limited form to work only on Monday. If I wait for you until weekend, sometimes I don't have time and I'm late with upload. I don't like that, I guess you neither... The best way to get what you need is to send request on Sunday > Monday after midnight, before you go to sleep.
Back to normal with design and back to 10 new mp3s. Also you can download new video winner - Kay Franzes - Shadow In The Night. Five new videos for you to vote for this month.
MP3 Trade page updated - I'm looking for more songs from 3 presented albums. Do you have any?
New 10 mp3s by your choice + 15 songs I chose for you. This time is't High Energy, so if you don't know about those songs - give them a chance! And for the end - Happy New Year!!!
Finally I added new data from you. I can update pages with your info only from time to time, so be patient. Now we have three new fans: Daniel and David from Sweden and Cesar from Colombia. Also there are new comments in my GuestBook. Thank you, it gives me more energy to keep on updating this site! I would only ask you to write in English (plus your language if you wish). Many people don't understand much of any other language than English. If someone understands messages in Spanish, please send me translation.
10 new mp3 requests added plus my gift to you - 15 more songs to download :-) There will be again new present to make your New Year happier!
This site will maybe not be reachable for two days, so if you can't enter it - try again in few days.
A few unknown songs added to Identify Songs page, I'm looking for one more song: Biba - Top Model, sample on MP3 Trade page.
10 new mp3 songs added. You can't send requests this week because I'll upload songs only for Benny. He sent me one more song that I needed.
Hello! I couldn't resist Christmass so I redesigned site a bit to get in the mood :-) Hope that you like new girl next to the menu. This week new 10 mp3s again, also added RealAudio streaming files to Identify Songs and MP3 Trade pages. I prepare special gift for you and you'll get it around Christmass time. I hope that you'll like it!
Songs in Top 20 are transformed from RealAudio to mp3 since only every 10th visitor who visits this site has RealAudio player. They are encoded in 32 kb/s, and about 1,5 mb per song. Quality is OK to get idea about my top songs if you haven't heared them before...
Also identified song Anthera - Good Time Tonight (Mabra Mix) in Identify Songs page.
We have the winner! It's videoclip Lee Marrow - Sayonara. Available from now on to download. There are five next videos to choose from.Also another 10 new MP3s. I moved link MP3 to the top since some people work in low resolution so they can't see whole page.
Finally I updated pages FunClub, Guest Book and Coool Links! Since I was busy, I couldn't have done it before, sorry guys! New guys at FunClub added to countries: Greece, Singapore, Israel and Portugal.
Page Identify songs has been updated in order to help you! Now you can send me songs that are unknown to you, and I will add them to this site. If you wanna do it, please read instructions.
Another 10 MP3s uploaded, added new video clips for trading.
FanClub is reorganized! Now you can search for someone by the country that he lives in. I think it's better than browse by name, it doesn't mean anything to you if you don't know that person.
10 MP3s uploaded to MP3 page.
New 10 songs added to MP3 page - Benny's choice again! From now on request your song on Monday!
You can download video Heaven And Hell by C. C. Catch - last month winner!
New 10 MP3 songs uploaded to MP3 page.
MP3 songs added to MP3 page Benny's choice!
New MP3 songs uploaded to MP3 page.
There were about 10 fake requests for MP3 page! I want every person to have a chance to get wanted song, but some of you sent me several requests under false name and e-mail. Please don't do it again because I will give up and remove this page! I think that it is more than fair from me to share songs that I've been collecting through several years, so please ask only for one song (per week). Thanx! I will not use your e-mail address to send you spam or other crap (I hate it myself), so don't worry about it. Also, I will not publish your e-mail address anywhere! Now you can go to MP3 page and download 9 new songs.
Finally I added a few of new fans. Sorry guys for waiting, I've been busy... So check up Marcelo, Giannis, Kosta, Genaro, Victor, Sergio and Valdemar.
This is the first time that I collected all 10 requests. Actually a bit more, but some guys sent their request one day earlier, and some were too late. But don't worry, we have plenty of time. So we have first 10 lucky guys! Check up their choice... Another week I'll also make sure that someone doesn't ask for a few songs... Enjoy Italo songs and there is one High Energy song.
Major update! There are even 2 new pages!! First one is LiveChat. There are lots of forum and they serve vrey well if you just wanna leave the message, but what if you wanna contact someone in a realy time, for example to make a deal about mp3 exchange... Just enter the chat and you can do it in a minute. You can do the same thing with ICQ but many people sttill don't have or don't wanna have it at all. If you wanna make exchange and I'm Online (and if you don't have ICQ), please contact me in this way...
Second page is devoted to MP3 download. I took me sooooo many time to find some rare Italo songs, so I decided that I will help all of you by uploading requested MP3. Songs will be updated every week and here's your chance to get something that you want. So far things are a bit complicated with downloading and merging 5 files that every song consists of, but soon songs will be in one piece and easy to download.
Hey, do you recognize this new nice lady in the menu, Yap, you got it - it's Seven Of Nine (or maybe you prefer to call her (Jeri Lynn Ryan) from Star Trek - Voyager. I know that she doesn't have anything to do with Italo, but I couldn't resist. I'm sure that you will understand me ;-).
Also there is my ICQ number and current status under the menu and on Intro page. On menu you can click my number and add me automatically to you "Contact list". Intro page has more possibilities so you can contact me directly if you wish.
And another winning song is Love Spy by Mike Mareen. It was pure pleasure for me to upload :-)) Other songs of his will have to wait for some time...
For october I prepared another five videos for you. I hope that you'll find something that you like!
We have the first winner according to your votes on Video Clips page: Savage - Goodbye. Download and enjoy it! I finished with voting for July because I'm going to a seaside :-)))
Now I offer you to choose between 5 Mike Mareen's songs/versions!!! You'll be able to download the winner on 1.10.2002.
2 more CDs at trade list nr. 37 (videos) and 38 (mp3s)...
2 remixes by Scotch - Disco Band added to page Identify songs and MP3 Trade. I have those 2 remixes on tape and would like to get them in mp3, so if you know version's name or/and have them, please contact me...
Another guy joined our Fan Club - Nikola.
I guess that you have noticed it - nice clock cursor trailer addition to Intro page.
Heeeeeeeey! New URL is here!!! From now on use to visit this site. No more popups!!!
First comments in Guestbook... In the future I will not put notice about it here anymore because it's not important news for you.
New guy Krzysztof from Poland joined our FanClub.
Added pictures by Valerie Dore, Vanilla and Venus.
New addition top Video Clips page - now you can choose between 5 videos every month. Vote for the one that you like the most, and if it is the winner, you'll be able to download it. There is one limitation - you can vote only once per day!
Guest Book added. No need to send me impressions over e-mail, just use simple form...
Lyrics page redesigned a bit, equalized font size on all of lyrics...
Now you can enjoy in C.C.Catch interview, but... That's not all! You can't read this one, you gotta hear it :-))
Four video clips added to Videos page. Soon you'll be able to choose video of the month. That one I'll put on my site so you can download it.